You provide hope and encouragement by leaving your story to those searching for what you have and how you felt while finding it.
Who will it help?
Your story can inspire singles, divorcees, widows, widowers, and those looking to revive an existing relationship regardless of age. It happened to you—why not them? After all, yes, it's right around the corner.
Where Does My Voicemail Go After Leaving It?
When you leave a voicemail, it doesn't just disappear into the ether. Here's what happens:
What are the best ways to leave a 4-5 minute voice message?❤️
Be genuine and share your journey. Embrace humor, happiness, and those moments of anxiety and self-doubt. These feelings are integral to your story, so speak from the heart. Listeners will not know who you are; you're anonymous. Be sure not to leave personal information such as phone number, name, or email address, etc. Call: 1.617.207.2139
Choose what resonates with you. Listen to Larry's story as an example. Ultimately, it's your journey—tell it in your uniqueness.
A message from Larry (founder)
I chose not to use a professional voice-over for my outgoing greeting on Romance Rewritten. I wanted to show that being yourself is enough. My message might have some imperfections, but that's fine. It's all about embracing our authentic selves. Listen to Larry's Voicemail
If you haven't already, check out Larry's love story.
Ready to Make the Call 1.617.617.207.2139
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